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Are you making the most of your super benefits?

25 July 2024

Health careInsurance

Get mental health support, nutrition advice, fitness help and more at no extra cost.

All Child Care Super members, and their family members, can access 360Health at no extra cost. 

This service is offered by insurer MetLife, but you don’t need to hold insurance through your Child Care Super account to access this benefit.

To use the services offered by 360Health, visit the website and navigate to the service you are interested in then fill out the form. Simply type the name of your super fund, Child Care Super, in the form.

What services can you access through 360Health?

Get mental health support

MetLife says over 40% of Australians aged 16-85 have experienced a mental health issue in their lifetime, and unfortunately accessing professional help can be difficult.

Through 360Health Mental Health Assist you can get your general questions answered online by mental health specialists and get a confidential in-depth mental health review.

Book a consult with a dietitian

360Health’s nutrition service provides advice to help you make healthy food choices relevant to your lifestyle, food preferences and nutrition-related conditions.

You’ll also have access to a qualified dietitian to help you build a personalised plan based on your nutrition and wellbeing goals.

Have an appointment with an exercise physiologist

Keeping active can help you stay physically and mentally healthy but achieving your fitness goals can be challenging, and getting started can be intimidating. 

360Health’s Fitness provides you with quick and tailored advice to help you achieve your fitness or recovery goals by giving you access to an exercise physiologist who will discuss your fitness and/or recovery needs and develop a personalised plan to achieve your goals.

Access a second, expert medical opinion

360Health Expert Medical Opinion can look at your relevant medical records and help with added clarity on diagnosis and offer second opinions. A second opinion can help you understand, where applicable, if there are alternative treatment pathways available to you.

This service isn’t appropriate for emergency situations and doesn’t cover dental or podiatry issues but it can be helpful for issues including:

·      Knee, joint, and back pain

·      Different types of cancer and tumours

·      Digestive and stomach issues

Make a digital GP appointment

The Ask a GP service provides you access to local Australian-based General Practitioners (GPs) where you can ask your medical questions, any time, and a GP will answer your question online within 24 hours. The answers are medically informed, fact based and related to your specific needs.

Note that you will need to visit your treating doctor for any prescriptions or referrals.

Find support in recovery

After an injury or illness, it can be difficult to keep up with work or you may have to step away from working all together.

The 360Health Recovery Specialist service offers you access to a dedicated health professional who will work with you to design a plan to help you stay at work or return to meaningful employment.