Important information

Target Market Determinations

Want to know how we figure out which of our products will be best for you? Our Target Market Determinations hold the answers!

Child Care Super - Target Market Determination

Explains who this product is designed for and why.

GuildPension - Target Market Determination

Explains who this product is designed for and why.

Member Outcomes Assessment

Curious to know how well we’re doing when it comes to promoting the financial interests of our members (that’s you!). Check out our annual Member Outcomes Assessment.

Fund policies

We care about all our members and employers, so if there’s anything we can do better, we want to know about it. Check out our complaints and privacy policies here.

Child Care Super - Privacy Policy

Explains how Child Care Super uses and protects your personal information.

Complaints Policy

Explains how to raise a complaint and the process that will follow

Trust Deed

Guild Retirement Fund - Trust Deed (Consolidated)

Sets out the rules for establishing and operating Guild Retirement Fund.

Annual Meetings and Reports

Guild Retirement Fund - Annual Report 2023

Highlights important changes that occurred during the financial year ended 30 June 2023.

Annual Financial Statements 2023

Shows the financial performance of Guild Retirement Fund.

Material Service Providers

Material Service Providers

Shows the appointed service providers for Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited.

Significant Events Notice Register

Significant Event Notice Register

ETSL Registrable Superannuation Entity Disclosures

The Trustee of the Fund is Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited (ETSL) ABN 50 055 641 757 AFSL 229757 RSE Licence L0001458. More information about the Trustee, including board and executive remuneration, their Privacy Statement and other governance disclosure is available at ETSL Registrable Superannuation Entity Disclosures. The Trustee’s privacy policy is available at ETSL privacy policy.

Page last updated 9 May 2024